NLP, Hypnosis and Coaching Programs for Corporate Wellness Adelaide 

How Hypnotherapy, NLP, Positive Psychology & Hypno-Coaching can benefit your teams and workforce; Corporate Wellness Programs

It is no longer an option for companies to parade only healthy and happy employees - now, it is a must, and thankfully, several managers of corporate organizations have realized this and many more are coming to this understanding, as leaders in the corporate world are beginning to see the numerous evidence-based benefits that attend optimal employee wellness. Studies have shown that employee wellness holds the key to a company's efficiency and overall well-being and hence it must not be trivialized.


As a leader of a corporation, if you trifle with the well-being of your employees, you risk surrendering your business to consequences such as absenteeism, pervasive demotivation, and poor customer service, all of which translate to a poor outlook and productivity for your company. Show your employees you care about their wellness by instituting corporate wellness programs and observe how numerous benefits will flock around your corporation. We have seen businesses that smartly invested in programs to achieve corporate wellness soar in profits and achievements – that is why we advocate for corporate wellness and have created custom-made corporate wellness programs for you to take your company to the next level in health.


In the paragraphs that follow, you will gain profound insights into corporate wellness and how NLP coaching and Adelaide hypnosis can help you achieve it for better company health.



Many corporate managers compel themselves to believe that by telling their employees to practice healthy lifestyles, they will achieve corporate wellness, also known as corporate well-being or workplace wellness. There is no disputing that encouraging employees to lead healthy lives is good but mere verbal encouragement not backed by visible actions is not the pathway to corporate wellness. To achieve corporate wellness, plans, programs, and policies must be put in place. Corporate wellness is so essential it cannot be discounted from organizational activities anymore. We will take a sneak peek into some of its benefits, but first, what is corporate wellness?


Corporate wellness is an all-encompassing term that describes activities and programs a company puts in place to help its employees achieve complete physical, mental and social well-being. It is not a novel concept in the business sphere and it is so important that the United States government decided to develop a guideline for it and reward employers who implement it in their workplaces with incentives.


Investing in workplace wellness programs carries two arrows of benefits - one pointing toward the employees (the ones for whom the programs exist in the first place); and the other pointing at corporations and their leaders, who invariably benefit when their organizations' flocks of employees are filled with healthy, motivated, and productive people. Corporate wellness ensures you have a business whose rocket of operations is propelled by aggregated forces from healthy and inspired employees.


Additionally, it ensures you will almost always have the full capacity of your employees working passionately and efficiently for the growth and progress of your business and fewer or no hands lost to frequent absenteeism. Corporate wellness will ensure you attract the best talents in the labor market. And it will ensure you keep your customers satisfied, to mention but a few benefits. I am sure you have seen why corporate wellness is essential and is an investment worth every penny spent on it.


Here below is how neuro-linguistic programming-based coaching and hypnotherapy can help your corporation achieve optimal workplace wellness.




Without a good grasp of what neuro-linguistic programming is, you might not see the need for its inclusion in your firm's corporate wellness programs. However, when you understand NLP, you will grasp the value of its inclusion, so what is NLP? Neuro-linguistic programming is an effective linguistic and psychological technique that uses the way we program our minds to rid us of common illnesses and improve our productivity. NLP thrives on the belief that a change of thoughts, feelings, words, and actions can change one's results and performance – bodily and otherwise.


In the corporate world, NLP has beneficial applications. It is a proven technique for helping people scale new heights of personal excellence through teaching the patterns and methods used by successful people to achieve excellence in a particular field to others struggling in the same field. Through NLP, we gain the power to understand and create a model of our achievements to easily repeat them for sustained happiness. We can also readily model other people's success patterns so that we produce the same results or better.


Conventional corporate wellness programs were streamlined in components. They often feature weight loss and smoking cessation programs, however, more often than not, the causes of employees’ diminished productivity are really tackled with the two aforementioned programs. Hence the need for a proven novel intervention that will not only help tackle the physiological and physical distress employees may be experiencing but also keep workers motivated, empowered (with relevant workplace skills), and transformed to lead effectively.


Truly, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) does so much. And because it is an effective technique that does so much almost effortlessly, especially regarding employees’ wellness, you must consider including it in your workplace wellness program. Through coaching handled by professionals and based on NLP, powerful techniques for positive personal transformation that will hoist an individual from the dungeon of incompetence to the pedestal of productivity can be taught to employees.


In addition, NLP can help shift the focus of employees from obsessive unpleasant thoughts and negative preoccupations to vital life priorities in all spheres of their lives. Employees can be trained to communicate with customers better, improve their self-awareness, be more emotionally intelligent, and to better managers of themselves and subordinates. NLP is also a healing technique for psychological illnesses (fear, depression, anxiety), psychosomatic disorders (with symptoms including fatigue, reduced concentration, and so forth), and learning problems. Some of these problems are workplace-related, others are not; regardless, NLP addresses them all. With all benefits and more to be derived through NLP-based coaching, no doubt, NLP is a veritable shortcut to corporate wellness – the journey of corporations to enjoying the benefits of employees' wellness will be shorter and faster.




Hypnosis, also referred to as hypnotherapy, is an effective technique for stress reduction and mood upliftment. It can be performed alone or with the aid of a hypnotherapist and involves creating a state of elevated awareness or consciousness where one's internal awareness is enhanced while concurrently retaining the awareness (though only partly) of one's external environment.


Hypnosis is relevant in the workplace for many reasons, including the fact that, in a state of elevated internal awareness, you can distract/remove your mind and body from stressful thoughts and actions that are pulling down your mood, and you can also get lasting relief from many productivity eaters, including all kinds of psychological and physical pains that may be bedeviling your body.


To address psychological problems, such as anxiety, lack of focus and motivation, insomnia, and depression, among others, when they arise in workplaces, hypnosis can be called upon. To rid employees of thoughts (conscious and not), habits, and actions that crush productivity, hypnosis should be summoned. Even to make conventional corporate wellness programs (which include weight management and smoking cessation) more effective, hypnosis can still be called upon because of its inestimable benefits and lofty effectiveness. There is then no doubt whatsoever that hypnosis is an elixir that must be included in corporate wellness programs, because, just like NLP, hypnosis can help you achieve corporate wellness effortlessly and efficiently.


Hypnosis works by helping employees detangle themselves from subtle motivations, often hidden in the subconscious, behind unhealthy and unproductive habits in the workplace and beyond – this way the habits are eliminated and better ones formed. Also, in its trance-like state, hypnotherapy can help you shift your gaze from unpleasant, unfruitful distractions to more important priorities that will precipitate a cascade of important lifestyle changes for healthy living. With hypnosis, employees’ work stress can be effectively managed and their morale boosted. Pain from prolonged workplace activity or sedentariness also gets dealt with through hypnotherapy. Hypnosis also addresses symptoms (such as pains) of physical ailments that may keep employees away from work or make them unproductive at work. In short, hypnosis cannot be discounted from a corporate wellness plan built to succeed.



At Matthew Tweedie Hypnosis and Wellness, we have commitment-free, personalized corporate wellness programs you can subscribe to for your organization. Our programs are based on empirically scientific techniques that employ mind-body connections to produce habit changes and lifestyle changes that will, in a short while, elevate the productivity of your corporation. We will help you and your employees manage your stress appropriately and build resilience. We will also help you clearly articulate company goals and values, while we simultaneously help your company’s workforce to build stronger relationships and communicate better.


In addition, we will help make your employees empowered and empathetic leaders using the aforementioned techniques when you subscribe to one of our packages and schedule a consultation. Reach out now and let us get underway with helping your corporation achieve corporate wellness.


  • Corporate Alignment (leaders and teams)

  • Sales Program (The art of closing confidently)

  • Client Acquisition Program

  • Client Retention Program

  • Confidence Program

  • Pack performance Program

  • Personal Power Program

  • Memory Program

  • Motivation Program

  • Corporate Conflict Resolution

  • Custom programs tailed to your specific needs


Neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis are powerful, evidence-based techniques for producing powerful individual and corporate results. Their relevance in tackling many of the problems affecting employees' wellness is numerous. To enjoy the benefits highlighted above in your workplace, you must draft them into your corporate wellness – achieve this by reaching out to us. We can help you attain corporate wellness using NLP and hypnosis. We are just a call away.



Patterson, D., 2010. Clinical hypnosis for pain control. Washington, D.C: American Psychological Association, pp.1-44.

SHAH, N., 2011. Neuro-linguistic programming: your map to happiness, confidence, and success. 1st ed. LONDON: Icon Books Ltd, pp.3-16.

Enquire about corporate wellness programs

Please go ahead and contact me for Binge Eating Disorder Adelaide Hypnosis Session using the number below to discuss your problem with a certified Adelaide hypnotherapist.  I offer telephone consults lasting approximately 15 minutes to enable you to have any questions answered about the services we provide.