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Can Hypnosis Help with Food Addiction?

Do you feel you are addicted to food? Do you think food addiction is contributing to weight gain? Do you often wonder how to overcome food addiction? Fortunately, hypnotherapy Adelaide weight loss hypnosis is seen as an effective approach to overcoming food addiction.

What is Food Addiction?

Food addiction can lead to an uncontrollable urge for highly processed foods. You may feel out of control when you see food, or experience regret and shame after eating. This is why food addiction is not the same as simple overeating or emotional eating. Food addiction occurs when your brain and body become convinced that you need to consume food.

How Can Hypnotherapy Help with Food Addiction?

Hypnosis is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness in treating various issues such as smoking and anxiety. The same principles can be applied to help with food addiction. Contrary to popular belief, hypnosis is not what you see in movies or on TV. During a hypnosis session, you remain awake and are in a state of deep relaxation, rather than being asleep. Here’s how it can help with food addiction:

  • Accessing the Subconscious Mind: Hypnotherapy allows you to access your subconscious mind, where your food addiction may reside. There are chances that your food addiction is triggered by a specific situation. Over time, negative beliefs can cause you to develop an unhealthy eating pattern. You might start binge eating and turn to food more frequently to deal with stress or anxiety. Hypnosis will help you identify the underlying cause of your food addiction and understand what you can do to overcome it. If you eat to deal with anxiety, then you can attend our hypnotherapy for anxiety Adelaide session.

  • Changing Your Mindset: Food addiction is not primarily about food cravings. While everyone experiences cravings from time to time, they can become overwhelming if they occur consistently. Hypnosis can help with this by changing your mindset about food so that you crave it less. If you want to lose weight, hypnotherapy can assist with that as well.

  • Boosting Mindfulness: Hypnosis Adelaide can help enhance your mindfulness regarding your eating habits. Many people start overeating because they are not eating mindfully. Through hypnosis, you will become more aware of what you eat and gain control over your eating habits. You will find that you start enjoying healthy food more.

  • Addressing Triggers: Food addictions are often triggered by underlying issues such as stress, anxiety, or depression. Hypnosis can help address these triggers. By communicating with the subconscious mind, a hypnotherapist can assist you in managing these issues, which in turn can help with food addiction.

  • Improving Overall Well-being: Food addiction can lead to weight gain, heart conditions, and an overall decline in quality of life. Fortunately, hypnosis can help you overcome food addiction and foster a healthier relationship with food.


By now, it’s clear that hypnotherapy is a potentially effective method for overcoming food addiction. If you have been struggling with food addiction for several years, it might be the right time to seek help from a professional hypnotherapist. You can schedule an appointment with us for a hypnosis session.