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Transpersonal Development – Helping You to Achieve Your Full Potential With NLP, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy and Coaching

What exactly is transpersonal development?

Transpersonal development concludes that human beings operate on 3 neurological levels, namely body, mind and spirit. It also concludes that all three are linked together. For example, if you exercise the body vigorously by road running or a hectic game of tennis, you feel better psychologically, and stronger in your spirit.

Transpersonal development is able to delve deeper into the unconscious mind, bypass ego restrictions, help you to discover a better idea of who you really are, and give you the tools to become the best person that you can be. This can be achieved by psychological coaching, or more beneficially by means of transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis, and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) which is actually an extension of the psychological coaching.

Founded in 1920’s and 1930’s from the works of intrepid researchers of the human mind, such as Freud, Carl Jung, and William James, transpersonal development has advanced hugely in latter days.

The crux of the matter is that transpersonal counselling is a recognised psychology practice, using the coaching methodology of body, mind and spirit, to access deeper areas of the unconscious mind.


How the unconscious, subconscious, and conscious minds work.

Each of these 3 divisions of the brain has a particular role to play, but are dependent on each other when it comes to thoughts, feelings and actions.

The unconscious mind is the part of the brain where memories and experiences are stored. The subconscious mind is able to draw from this store and communicate with the conscious mind. It then brings memories together appropriate to what the conscious mind is thinking or doing. The subconscious mind is larger and much more active than the conscious mind.

Everything you think or do with the conscious mind is a result of what is regarded as important at the moment by the subconscious mind. There are times when the line between the conscious and subconscious is a little blurred, but the explanation is very simple. 

If you think about doing something, for example like brushing your hair, and you do it – that is a conscious action. However, the things which you don’t think about, like following the same routine before you go to bed each night, or when you get up in the morning, are actually controlled by the subconscious mind. The things you do over a long period of time can therefore be construed as imbedded subconscious habits which are carried out automatically.

The unconscious mind, on the other hand can have many underlying issues, many of which may never surface – not even into the subconscious mind. These are the very issues which lurk in the shadows, and hold you back from being the best that you can be. 

This is where transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis coaching and NLP, is so effective in exposing deep-seated wounds which need healing to help you becoming a whole person, in body mind and spirit.

More about the unconscious mind.

When a person suffers a traumatic event, be it an accident, a brain injury which may have resulted in a period of unconsciousness, a major operation, or even a deeply upsetting emotional occurrence, a post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may follow. These memories may be difficult to cope with, and are often repressed and pushed down into recesses of the unconscious mind.

The symptoms of the PTSD include trouble remembering all the details of the traumatic event, extreme negative thoughts about yourself, irrational feelings like guilt or shame, and bouts of depression. The repression of painful memories may help you on the conscious level to stay calm, but will remain rooted in the unconscious mind, and even if you cannot recall them, can still play a critical role in everyday life.

Not all of the repressed memories are dreadful or tragic. In fact some of them might be good, and can help heal hurts and distress which may be experienced in daily life. This is where hypnosis/hypnotherapy and NLP coaching comes to the fore, and is able to get into the unconscious mind and begin the healing process.

How hypnosis/hypnotherapy ad NLP coaching can expose memories and experiences hidden in the unconscious mind.

Hypnosis/hypnotherapy coaching allows the mind to travel across time. Known as hypnotic regression, your ability to remember things that you otherwise cannot recall, is greatly enhanced. One of the reasons why some memories are repressed is because the mind has an automatic filter which keeps traumatic events out of the conscious mind.

Hypnotic regression is part of the transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching process which is able to delve very deeply into the unconscious mind. Regression can be used to pinpoint any time frame, whether it be one month or five years. The unconscious mind can then be opened to reveal turmoil, hidden pain, difficulties, and the self-demeaning actions and words which can cripple your ego.

Studies suggest that hypnotic regression can be extremely healing and a major factor in the positive transformation of your life. It is also recommended that hypnotic regression therapy always be done by skilled, trained therapist.

Hypnotic regression, is best described as the process, when you are in a relaxed state, by which the therapist, by means of transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching, is able to recall information that is deep in the unconscious mind. 

The difference between traditional coaching methods and transpersonal coaching.

Traditional coaching methods are usually employed with the aim of addressing issues from a cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) perspective. The goal is to access the subconscious mind and change a person’s patterns of behaviour or thinking, also to provide coping strategies, and change the negative reaction to problems which arise, so that the person feels better.

This is an excellent method to relieve anxiety and stress which are in the conscious mind, as well as teaching you how to cope with fears that might assail you. Unfortunately it does not always get to the root cause of problems holding you back, which are submerged in the unconscious mind.  

Transpersonal development by means of hypnotherapy/hypnosis coaching focusses on dealing with the issues which are rooted in the unconscious mind. Problems such as a lack of motivation, memories of unresolved trauma, a lack of self-belief, indecisiveness, and burnout, are systematically brought to the fore and dealt with before reaching the conscious mind. Neuroscience research has shown that problem issues such as these are transported to the subconscious mind, and then to the conscious mind, seconds before conscious awareness takes place – and influences your responses.

The conscious mind, and the reactions you have, is then impacted by issues which may have originated in the unconscious mind.


 How transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching works.

Research has indicated that transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP is a natural extension of transpersonal psychology. It incorporates the same methodology of working from 4 different approaches, when accessing the unconscious mind.

1.    Deals with underlying issues which may include, for example, childhood trauma, negative weight issues, or low self-esteem, which might be holding someone back from positively moving forward.

2.    Getting to the root of poor habits which need to be revealed so they can be successfully changed.

3.    Taking control of your personal potential to achieve physical, emotional, and mental strength to deal with problems.

4.    Expand perspective abilities by tapping into the spiritual potential which is in every human being.

The ultimate goal of transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching is to make people aware of who they really are, by connecting to inner wisdom, and the experience of inner healing. One of the leading goals of transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching is to develop an effective process of self-discovery for the client, which leads to increased awareness of thoughts, emotions, and memories involved in everyday life. 

An outer awareness, which includes your senses, feelings of the physical body, improved connections with other people, and appreciation of the environment at large – will also be created by transpersonal development.

The benefits of transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching.

You can use transpersonal development coaching to your benefit in the following ways:

·      Increase your productivity and concentration when you realise that the only thing holding you back from being the best that you can is simply the limitations of your own ego.

·      Reduce extreme stress and anxiety by guiding you to clear the past, and become empowered and more fulfilled in the present.

·      Give you the confidence to improve communication with others, as well as inter-personal skills.

·      You will get to know more about your true self which can encourage self-growth, and also learn how to connect to your spiritual self.

·      You will be able to be utterly present in your true self when dealing with clients, colleagues, friends and family, without any duplicity.

·      Transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching can show you how to release baggage accumulated in the unconscious mind which keeps you back, like guilty feelings over mistakes and failures. 

·      Transpersonal development coaching can empower you to overcome mindsets and behaviour patterns which may be inhibiting your personal, professional, and spiritual growth.

Transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching therefore embodies the clinical aspects of general hypnosis, but adds another, higher dimension, if it is deemed necessary for the client’s benefit.  

How is general hypnosis defined?

·      Hypnosis occurs when you are in a deeply relaxed state, and the therapist s able to access the subconscious mind which contains all the memories, feelings, and impressions, which you have experienced. 

·      Some of these may be good, while others may be not so good. When you are experiencing problems, for example like unreasonable fears or stress, the therapist can guide you to access information which may be causing the issues. In the relaxed state, the subconscious mind becomes active, and is open to positive suggestions.

·      Positive suggestions create positive feelings which lead to a positive attitude about life and promote feelings of success and happiness. 

·      Hypnosis is the key which can unlock negative, unhappy thought patterns which are causing problems, and literally reprogram your subconscious mind with new positive beliefs.

These are the aspects which transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching embraces to access the unconscious mind and root out hidden issues which are holding you back from holistic, complete personal development.

Transpersonal development and the use of language.

The spoken word is very powerful, and what you verbalise about yourself can make or break your spirit or your personality. “You are what you think you are” is something you may have heard or seen written hundreds of times, without really taking it in. It does have a lot of merit, but perhaps is more pertinent to say “You are what you say you are.”

As humans, we use language to describe feelings and experiences, and by so-doing we often create something out of what is actually nothing. More often than not, we tend to verbalise unpleasant or upsetting events, and define it into something tangible which gets buried in the unconscious mind until it is extracted by the subconscious mind for conscious mind awareness use.

Transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching can help folk with painful emotional states that won’t go away, begin to realise that they may be creating their own unwanted pain by the use of inappropriate, and negative verbalisation. 

Many of the issues clients bring to therapy sessions are the results of the ego responses with regard to spoken negative language.  

Studies have shown that transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching accesses the unconscious mind and can bypass ego reactions which may be holding you back from moving forward to the person you can be.

What exactly is the ego?

The word “ego” comes from the Latin meaning “I” It is normally used to describe our sense of self, and the thoughts, feelings and beliefs, that up make up the personality – and a sense of personal identity. 

But the ego doesn’t consist of only one thing. It is actually made up many varied ideas and beliefs that a person acquires over life. You also form opinions about yourself that appear to be true, and so construct a self-image of yourself that is known as the ego.

In effect, this means that when you have thoughts about yourself that you agree with, good or bad, they contribute to your ego, or self-image.

This is the part of you which is held in the unconscious mind, and can be positive or negative, mostly depending on what you think and verbalise to yourself.

Here are examples of some of the thoughts that may come into the unconscious mind, which can either propel you forward – or hold you back from being the best that you can be:

·      I am really smart when it comes to my job.

·      I am big-built so I will never be thin.

·      People just don’t like me, and everyone seems to be against me.

·      I am kind and thoughtful.

·      I am very shy and have no self-confidence.

·      My skin is my best feature.

·      I am very good at maths.

·      I am honest and trustworthy.

 Although you may agree with thoughts which may even be negative ideas, they do not necessarily define who you are. Problems can arise when your self-image is very negative, inaccurate, or sometimes impossibly positive. These issues can spill over into your conscious mind, and negatively impact on your daily life.

Finding your way!

Transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching are the tools than can assist you to find your way. The goal is to help you realise that it is not what you think you are, but rather who you really are.

This innovative, transpersonal coaching therapy, combines the elements of hypnotherapy/hypnosis, psychology, and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) to bring fantastic value to the coaching process.

NLP has powerful techniques which help people develop their potential by showing them how to use the correct verbalisation of issues that will be absorbed by the unconscious mind. Some of these spoken words may be self-destructive and NLP coaching can help you to identify them before you speak.

The neuro-linguistic program is part of an extensive study which gives an excellent idea of how folk are able to create, as well as solve their own problems. Transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis, in harmony with NLP, can help you create a personal plan to overcome any barriers that hinder you learning new things, and keep you bound. It can actually be applied to any goal you may have in mind, like excelling at sports, losing the weight you always wanted to, and conquering fears which you know are irrational.

NLP is a collection of techniques that can assist transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching to access your hidden potential in order to achieve more out of life. The unconscious mind is where the essence of your being - which is your ego, is stored. It is the source of all the body intelligence, and has the resources you need to follow your dreams and control your destiny.

The power of transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching.

Transpersonal coaching offers you the opportunity to draw on real power to make lasting changes in your life. Basic lukewarm motivation can become a potent desire to change, so that you become the person you always wanted to be – with no strings or baggage attached.

Transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching is a brief healing therapy with long-lasting results, which goes beyond the limiting confines of the ego, seeking out that which is meaningful for the individual to have a positive effect on behavioural patterns. Transpersonal work is recognised as delving deeper and higher into the human experience - work that is above average, and more than just personal. 

It does not have a specific rule-of-thumb to work by, as every patient is different and has different needs. However there is a common thread that runs through the transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching process.

Here are the main factors:

·      No matter what the memories may contain which are unearthed, the patient is never made to feel judged by the therapist.

·      The process acknowledges the existence of a mind, body and soul connection.

·      Transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching explores the spiritual consciousness which exists beyond mind and body.

·      Show the patient how to access the resource of the unconscious to improve the quality of life.

·      Get rid of the baggage of anger, resentfulness and bitterness which causes you to constantly relive the harm or hurt which others have caused you.

·      Re-integrate parts of your ego, or self-image, which might have been split apart by repressed memories and pain.

·      Promoting motivation and bringing and lifting your thinking to the next level by clearing out the fear and limitations which can be holding you back from advancing.   

A hypnotherapist is NOT a psychiatrist, and medication is not involved. However, although some pertinent rules of psychology are employed, the therapist provides deeper knowledge of how the mind works on all three levels (conscious, sub-conscious, unconscious) and teaches you how to have appreciation of good moments which come into your life.



Recognising your value.

It is amazing how other folk always recognise your personal value before you do so yourself. This might be in the workplace, in places of learning, or even in the home and family areas. 

·      You may want to apply for a new job, but hold off because you believe you are not talented or experienced enough to succeed, and will never stand a chance of being considered for the job. 

·      You have done very well in your job and are up for a promotion with more responsibility, but subconsciously you almost hope that you do not get it. You feel that you are not really up to the task, and that there must be others who may be able to do a better job.

·      Your mindset is always that of a defensive mode, and even when you are top of the class, your poor self-image tells you that you are not better than anyone else - just have better luck.

Transpersonal hypnotherapy/hypnosis and NLP coaching will guide you to realise your true value, and lift you out of discouragement when circumstances seem negative.

When you access and know your true value, you will no longer be stuck in a mire of negativity, but able to move forward with a renewed sense of self confidence, knowing fully that you are not less than anyone else.