Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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NLP and Hypnotherapy for Children and Teenager Sports Performance and Confidence: Part 2 - NLP and Hypnotherapy Techniques and Applications

In the first part of this series, we explored the foundational aspects of mental training. We discussed the importance of mental resilience, building confidence, enhancing focus, overcoming performance anxiety, and developing resilience. What we did not discuss at all – nay, in detail - are the hypnotherapy techniques and their applications. Thus, in this second part, we will delve deeper into specific NLP and hypnotherapy techniques and their practical applications in the context of youth sports. These powerful tools can help young athletes harness their full potential and achieve remarkable results. We will delve right into the techniques now, but first, let’s consider some ethical considerations surrounding the use of NLP and hypnotherapy and also shed light on some common misconceptions about these therapies.

Ethical Considerations Surrounding the Use of NLP and Hypnotherapy

Some people think NLP and hypnotherapy should not be used on children because they are minors but I beg to differ. I believe that when using NLP and hypnotherapy for children and teenagers in the context of sports performance and confidence, it is imperative to uphold the highest ethical standards as we know them. This involves obtaining informed consent from both the young individual and their parent or guardian. Also, it's crucial to ensure that the child or teenager feels comfortable and safe throughout the process and to let them know that their well-being is the top priority. Additionally, confidentiality must be maintained, and any information shared during sessions should be handled with the utmost sensitivity and privacy. Practitioners should also be mindful of the potential impact of suggestion and influence on young, impressionable minds, and should always strive to use these techniques responsibly and in the best interest of the young individual. Now the misconceptions.

Common Misconceptions about Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis

One common misconception about using NLP and hypnotherapy for children and teenagers in sports performance and confidence is that it involves mind control. In reality, what ethical practitioners of NLP and hypnotherapy do is work to empower and support young people by helping them access their inner resources and develop their mental skills positively and constructively. Additionally, there is a misconception that these techniques are a quick fix or a form of "cheating" in sports. No, they are not. It's important to understand that NLP and hypnotherapy are tools used to enhance mental focus, confidence, and motivation, and should be utilized as part of a holistic approach to developing overall sports performance and mental well-being. Now let's talk about the techniques.

Key NLP Techniques for Young Athletes

 1. Anchoring

Anchoring is a fundamental NLP technique that involves associating a specific physical gesture or sensation with a positive emotional state. This technique can be especially useful for young athletes who need to boost their confidence and focus quickly before a competition or during training. The process involves several steps:

First, the athlete needs to identify a positive state by recalling a moment when they felt confident, successful, or in peak performance. This could be a memory of winning a game, making a perfect play, or receiving praise from a coach. Next, they choose an anchor, which is a physical gesture to associate with this positive state, such as squeezing their fist, tapping their shoulder, or taking a deep breath. Once the anchor is chosen, the athlete creates the anchor by vividly recalling the positive memory while performing the chosen gesture. This process is repeated several times to strengthen the association. Finally, during moments of stress or anxiety, the athlete can use the anchor gesture to quickly access the positive state, boosting their confidence and focus. This technique can be a powerful tool for young athletes to manage their emotions and perform at their best.

 2. Visualization

Visualization is another powerful NLP technique that involves creating vivid mental images of desired outcomes. This method helps athletes mentally rehearse successful performances, reducing anxiety and enhancing their overall confidence. The process begins with setting clear and specific goals for the athlete's performance, such as successful plays, maintaining focus, or executing specific skills flawlessly. Then, the athlete creates detailed mental imagery of achieving these goals, incorporating sights, sounds, and emotions. Regular practice of visualization reinforces these positive images in the athlete's subconscious mind, increasing the likelihood of successful real-life performance.

Visualization is a powerful tool that athletes can use to mentally prepare for their performances. This technique allows athletes to mentally rehearse successful performances, making them more likely to perform successfully in real-life situations. Visualization can be a valuable addition to an athlete’s training routine, helping them to maintain focus and achieve their desired outcomes.

 3. Reframing

Reframing is another NLP technique. It involves changing the way an athlete perceives a situation and transforming negative thoughts and beliefs into positive ones. This technique can be particularly helpful for athletes who struggle with self-doubt or fear of failure.

How It Works: The first step is to identify any negative thoughts or beliefs that are hindering the athlete's performance. This could include thoughts like "I'm not good enough" or "I always mess up under pressure." The athlete then challenges these negative thoughts by examining the evidence and considering alternative perspectives. For example, they might reframe "I'm not good enough" to "I have trained hard and am fully prepared to succeed." Through regular practice, the athlete can replace negative thoughts with positive, empowering beliefs that support their performance and confidence.

 Key Hypnotherapy Techniques for Young Athletes

 1. Guided Imagery

Guided imagery is a powerful hypnotherapy technique that aims to enhance an athlete's performance by guiding them through a series of visualizations to improve relaxation, focus, and confidence. This technique proves to be particularly effective in managing pre-competition anxiety and overall performance enhancement.

The process begins with relaxation induction, where the hypnotherapist helps the athlete achieve deep relaxation through methods such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation. Once the athlete is in a relaxed state, they are guided through positive imagery, envisioning themselves performing impeccably, reaching their goals, and receiving acknowledgment. This positive imagery is then reinforced through repetition to firmly instill these constructive experiences within the athlete's subconscious mind.

 2. Positive Suggestions

Positive suggestions, also known as affirmations, are a crucial aspect of hypnotherapy, particularly in the context of sports performance. These affirmations are carefully crafted to replace any negative thoughts and beliefs with positive and empowering ones, ultimately contributing to an athlete's enhanced confidence and improved performance. The process involves various stages for effective implementation.

Firstly, the hypnotherapist initiates the session with a relaxation induction, guiding the athlete into a state of deep relaxation to create a receptive environment. Subsequently, the hypnotherapist delivers tailored positive suggestions that align with the athlete's specific needs and goals. These suggestions are personalized and may include affirmations such as "You are confident and capable," "You perform at your best under pressure," and "You are a successful athlete." To ensure the efficacy of these affirmations, repetition, and reinforcement are key. By repeatedly emphasizing these positive suggestions, they become deeply embedded in the athlete's subconscious mind, leading to sustainable changes in thought patterns and, consequently, performance outcomes.

 3. Self-Hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is a valuable skill that allows athletes to access the benefits of hypnotherapy on their own. This technique empowers athletes to manage stress, boost confidence, and enhance focus whenever they need it. The process involves learning the basics from a hypnotherapist, including relaxation techniques and how to deliver positive suggestions to oneself. Regular practice is key in mastering self-hypnosis, as athletes can use it to reinforce positive beliefs and manage stress and anxiety.

This technique also extends to being used in competition settings, where athletes can employ self-hypnosis techniques before and during competitions to maintain focus, reduce anxiety, and boost their confidence. It's an effective tool that can contribute to an athlete's mental and emotional well-being, ultimately enhancing their performance.

Safety Considerations for NLP and Hypnotherapy Techniques for Children and Teenagers

When it comes to NLP and hypnotherapy for children and teenagers, safety is of utmost importance. These techniques should only be practiced by qualified and experienced professionals who specialize in working with young individuals. It's crucial to ensure that the practitioner has the necessary credentials and adheres to ethical guidelines and best practices for working with children and teenagers – thankfully, Matthew Tweedie fits all these criteria perfectly: he has the necessary credentials and adheres to ethical guidelines strictly.

Additionally, parental involvement and consent are vital when utilizing NLP and hypnotherapy techniques for young individuals. Parents or guardians should have a clear understanding of the process, its potential benefits, and any associated risks, if any. Open communication between the practitioner, the child or teenager, and their parents is essential to ensure a safe and positive experience. Overall, prioritizing safety, expertise, and transparency is paramount when considering NLP and hypnotherapy for children and teenagers.


In this second part of our series on enhancing sports performance and confidence in children and teenagers through NLP and hypnotherapy, we have explored specific techniques and their practical applications. By understanding and utilizing these powerful tools, young athletes can build confidence, enhance focus, manage anxiety, and develop resilience, setting the stage for remarkable success in their athletic journeys and Matthew can help them. Matthew Tweedie's tailored programs offer a comprehensive and compassionate approach to helping young athletes thrive in sports. You can reach him HERE

Stay tuned for the next part of our series, where we will delve into the long-term benefits of using NLP and hypnotherapy for youth sports performance and confidence.