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How to Hypnotize Your Metabolism and Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals 1.0

Australia is a FAT country.

Overeating has become a huge problem in Australia. The rates of overweight and obesity are continuing to rise alarmingly, as are the serious health problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, varicose veins, strokes and more, which can result from obesity.

There are startling statistics available which illustrate the Australian obesity problem. Research has shown that in 1995, 56% of the population was overweight or obese, while today almost 64% of Australian adults are overweight.

This shows that Australians are indeed getting fatter!

Are you struggling to lose weight?

You could be unhappy with your body shape, and although you may have been on countless diets which have promised much, you have not managed to achieve your weight loss goals. At best, the diets may only have resulted in a yo-yo effect which has seen your weight go up and down – and up again!

You may not even know why you are overeating, or why you seem to have so little control over your eating habits. There are various reasons for this problem, and one of them could even date way back into babyhood.

The modern day term for this is Emotional Eating.

Understanding emotional eating.

Emotional eating means turning to food for comfort, not because you are hungry, but because you feel bad about something. This can have its roots in anger, anxiety, stress, depression, loneliness, or any other negative emotion which causes you to reach for the usually unhealthy comfort foods. You will be afforded only temporary relief which will cause you to overeat yet again, and make you gain weight.

When babies are upset, they are often pacified or comforted with food by someone close to them. This sets up a connection in the brain which relates food to any type of distressful situation. The conditioning can last right through childhood, and be perpetuated into adulthood, giving rise to uncontrolled emotional eating. This can easily be part of your particular problem.

Hypnosis for your metabolism and weight loss, deals with identifying the underlying elements that causes you to have issues with food when you are in distress, while also giving you assistance and guidance to release them.

The purpose of the hypnosis program is for you to become aware of unconsciousness patterns of behaviour that have gone unrecognised, leaving you at a loss as to understand why you always crave food when you are unhappy.

Have you tried all the diets?  Have you tried weight loss and slimmingpills and tablets? Are your over all of the loose weight fast gimmicks out there that.   Are you ready to leave those old destructive patterns behind you?  Are you sick of having low energy and not having the confidence you want?  Do you want to feel comfortable in your own skin?

We will work together with you to remove negative emotions, and reduce decisions that create undesired patterns of behavior.  This is a drug a diet free program that will get you to your desired shape and size using the power of hypnosis.

Click on the button below to enquire find out how you can begin your journey to slimness today.

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