Abandonment is best described as a type of anxiety that some people experience when they lose someone or something they care about. Sometimes, when folk are insecure about things, they may have a fear of being abandoned.
Read moreAnxiety is your friend! - Article 2 of 4
Depending on the severity of the perceived danger, the threshold may be triggered, setting off alarm bells in your conscious mind. The alarm sets off a reaction in the autonomic nervous system from which actions are not consciously directed, but are regulated by the unconscious mind, or the century control, and you are triggered into the fight, flight or freeze situation.
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Are you keen to welcome true love into your life?
The partner of your dreams is definitely out there, and hypnosis can help you to find him or her. Finding this person could be an uphill struggle, especially if there are obstacles and issues from the past which may be ….
Read moreIf you are in Bondage to a Short Temper – Hypnosis can help!
What exactly is a short temper?
A short temper and a short fuse are one and the same thing. Someone who is short-tempered gets angry easily, often for minor reasons, and usually displays angry behaviours like slamming doors, or throwing things around in frustration and annoyance.
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