Hypnotherapy for IBS

Hypnosis for IBS Adelaide

Break the Cycle: Gain Relief from Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Relieve the symptoms of IBS with Hypnosis and NlP

Dealing with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) can be a real pain in the gut; it can be challenging and it can seriously impact your daily life. The symptoms of IBS, which include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation, can disrupt your day-to-day life and take a toll on your overall well-being. Though there are a few treatment options, like medication and dietary changes, unfortunately, these traditional treatments don't always equal lasting relief. However, hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) have shown real promise as alternative therapies and you should consider them. In this article, I will highlight a few things you need to know about irritable bowel syndrome and discuss the benefits you stand to get from using hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) for managing irritable bowel syndrome and improving your overall quality of life.


But First, Let's demystify Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive order that affects the large intestine and affects up to 25% of the population. IBS is a common digestive disorder. It can cause a range of symptoms, including abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and changes in bowel movements. These symptoms of IBS can be both inconvenient and painful and can have a detrimental effect on a person’s quality of life. They also can interfere with relationships and an individual’s ability to work. These symptoms can vary in severity from one person to another, and from one day to the next. While there is no cure, symptoms can be managed with various treatments, including the ones I will talk about in this composition. 

Now, when it comes to IBS, stress is one of its main triggers. In fact, stress is a major factor causing IBS symptoms. If you have IBS, your bowels may overreact to stress and cause spasms in your colon. Instead of emptying like they're supposed to, your colon will undergo spasms, leading to changes in your bowel patterns, leading to diarrhea or bloating. Some sufferers may even experience constipation. In extreme cases, the bowels can even shut down altogether. It's not fun, but the good news is that there are ways you can manage IBS symptoms and prevent them from taking over your life.

Truly, there is a physical and psychological aspect that needs to be considered when treating IBS. Hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming for IBS deal with both sides but mainly the psychological side - the main side - of the problem and are one of the most effective treatments in relieving IBS and its symptoms. Now let's talk about the therapies.



Hypnosis is an ancient therapeutic technique that has been used for centuries to help individuals with both physical and mental conditions. It is a state of consciousness that allows you to be more open to suggestions, and thus, more receptive to the treatment. During hypnosis, you will be in a state of deep relaxation, allowing you to access your subconscious and make positive changes in your thoughts, behaviors, and perceptions.

It is a versatile therapy that can be used for a range of conditions, including behavior modification, pain management, and stress reduction. The hypnotherapist will use a variety of techniques to induce relaxation and heightened suggestibility in the individual. During hypnosis, your attention is directed inward, making them more open to positive suggestions that can help you manage your IBS symptoms.

Hypnosis can be used to manage IBS symptoms by reducing stress and anxiety levels, which are known triggers for IBS. By reducing stress levels, hypnosis can help alleviate abdominal pain, and improve bowel movements. Many individuals with IBS have reported significant improvements in symptoms after undergoing hypnosis. It can help to regulate the digestive system, reduce pain, and alleviate stress - all of which contribute to better management of IBS symptoms.


Highlighted below are some of the ways hypnosis can help you overcome symptoms of IBS. Hypnosis

●      Reduce levels of stress

●      Helps to manage emotions that cause symptoms

●      Assist sufferers in how to influence and gain control over their gut function

●      Assist in making better food choices

●      Reduce pain, bloating, and discomfort

●      Improve the mind-gut connection


Hypnosis for IBS will uncover the root cause of the stress that causes IBS. During the therapeutic cycle, you and I will work at the level of your unconscious mind to let go of negative emotions and stress and to alleviate the negative symptoms associated with IBS. You will also be taught self-hypnosis to be able to go into deep states of deep relaxation at a time that is most convenient for you. Additionally, hypnosis will assist you in making better food choices to reduce symptoms of IBS such as pain, bloating, and discomfort, and lastly, hypnosis will improve your mind-gut connection. Before delving into the next therapy - neuro-linguistic programming - let's talk a bit about the mind-gut connection mentioned above, I am sure you are wondering what it is.


The Mind-Gut Connection: Understanding what it is

The mind-gut connection is a complex system that involves two-way communication between the brain and the gut. It plays a crucial role in digestion, mood, and overall health. The mind-gut connection is bi-directional and it influences both physical and mental health. A misfiring of one of the components of this vital connection may lead to a dysfunction of the other. This is because the gut has its nervous system, known as the enteric nervous system (ENS), which communicates with the brain via the vagus nerve and the brain regulates digestion through the autonomic nervous system (ANS). If the ENS misbehaves, the ANS may be affected, which may eventually amplify the dysfunction of the ENS, essentially the gut.

Also, the gut microbiome, the collection of microorganisms living in the gut, produces neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, which affect mood and behavior, and communicates with the brain through the gut-brain axis. The mind-gut communication axis is complex as earlier mentioned, however very relevant because both hypnosis and NLP can through regulating this axis help you overcome your IBS symptoms.


How Hypnosis and NLP can help to Improve the Mind-Gut Connection

Hypnosis and NLP can improve your Mind-Gut Connection by reducing your stress and anxiety, which can disrupt digestion, cause your gut microbe to misbehave, and consequently disrupt your gut function. They can change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors by guiding you towards positive thoughts and images, reframing negative thoughts and beliefs about IBS, and helping you develop coping mechanisms and self-regulation strategies. This can lead to better digestion, gut motility, reduced pain, and overall improved quality of life for you.


Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is a therapeutic approach that explores the relationship between behavior, language and thought. It is based on the idea that language and behavior are interconnected and that by changing language patterns, individuals can change their behavior and thought patterns. As an NLP practitioner, I will work with you to identify and change patterns of behavior, thoughts, and language that are causing your problems/symptoms and preventing you from achieving your goals.

NLP works by identifying negative thought and behavior patterns and then replacing them with better ones. NLP practitioners use several techniques, such as modeling successful behaviors, reframing negative thoughts, and anchoring positive emotions. By changing the way you think and communicate, NLP can help you break negative patterns and achieve your goals. NLP is effective in providing relief for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and your case won't be different if you decide to give it a trial.


Benefits of Combining Hypnosis and NLP for IBS Relief

If you're looking for relief from IBS symptoms, combining hypnosis and NLP might be worth considering. These two therapies work together to address the psychological aspects of IBS. As earlier stated, hypnosis involves inducing a state of relaxation through guided imagery and suggestion, while NLP uses language patterns to reframe negative thought patterns and beliefs. By combining the two, you can benefit from a holistic approach that targets the mind-gut connection.

Hypnosis and NLP can work in harmony to help you alleviate your IBS symptoms. Combining these techniques can lead to greater symptom relief and improved quality of life by reducing stress and anxiety levels and reframing negative beliefs about IBS. Besides, verbal testimonies for people who have used both techniques have proven that combining hypnosis and NLP can be more effective than either technique alone in treating IBS symptoms.  If you're struggling with IBS, it might be worth talking to a qualified practitioner about combining hypnosis and NLP to see if it could work for you.



For those suffering from Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), traditional treatment options may not always provide relief. However, alternative therapies such as hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) have been found to help address the mind-gut connection and alleviate IBS symptoms. By reducing stress and anxiety, these techniques can have a profound impact on improving IBS symptoms and promoting a positive mindset. Combining hypnosis and NLP has also been shown to be particularly effective, in creating a comprehensive treatment plan.


It's therefore important for you to find a qualified practitioner experienced in these techniques for the best results. With the right practitioner and the appropriate lifestyle modifications, you can break the cycle of IBS and improve your overall quality of life.


Book your Appointment

Is IBS negatively impacting your everyday life?  Are you ready to take action toward better gastrointestinal health? Now is the time to put a call through.

If you are struggling with IBS symptoms and are looking for a natural, non-invasive solution, consider hypnosis and NLP. With these techniques, you can break the cycle of stress and anxiety that often exacerbates IBS symptoms and enjoy a better quality of life. Contact me, Matthew Tweedie, qualified hypnosis and NLP practitioner, to learn more about how these techniques can help you manage your IBS symptoms and gain relief.

Go ahead and click here or give me a call anytime to make an appointment, and start alleviating the symptoms of IBS with our Hypnosis for IBS Adelaide program.

Book your Appointment

Go ahead and click here or give me a call anytime to make an appointment, and start alleviating the symptoms of IBS with our Hypnosis for IBS Adelaide program.

0411 456 510