Hypnosis and NLP for Manifestation
Although the law of attraction has become a set of dirty words in certain circles, there is a reason for this. There are ancient secrets and universal laws that are only practised inside certain circles. To top it off, there is an incredible amount of misinformation and noise that may lead you to believe that the law of attraction is a bunch of fairy dust and baloney. The truth is most of the successful people that you look up to and admire are using all of the true principals of the law of attraction and manifestation to create exactly what they want in their universe. Here‘s the rub, often some of the most successful people that are using these tools don’t even know, they are just looked at by the outside world as ‘talented’, ‘lucky’ or ‘even worse ‘gifted’. To add insult to injury, such industry leaders and powerhouses in the health, wealth and wisdom fields are unconsciously competent. What does this mean? Ultimately it means that they can manifest on autopilot through years of blood, sweat and tears. Sadly, being a world-class Formula 1 driver doesn’t mean you can teach others to win the Grand Prix in 3 years, nor does it mean that such a person knows anything about mechanics and the nuts and bolts that make a car and an engine run.
So do you know what makes your own engine run (mind, body, emotions unconscious patterns, beliefs, values, strategies, deep inner blocks and highest inner wisdom) and more to the point how to turbocharge and tweak it to be the most well-oiled manifestation machine? I mean run at your highest capacity, clear all of you know (and more importantly unknown) roadblocks, the type of existence that anyone that is striving for more in their life often call reaching their true potential.
If you were to imagine we lived in some version of a ‘simulation’, it would be equally easy to imagine that there is a code (laws of quantum physics). All codes can not only be written but also hacked and cracked. So as you hold this idea in your mind for a moment consider this. We all know of tales of individuals that have gone from rags to riches in one lifetime. Some coming from very modest meant or more accurately, coming from poverty far beyond what anyone under 45 in the first world can contemplate. With such pain, struggle, trauma and adversity, such individual have not only been able to climb to the top of own tower of terror and conquer it, but they have also been able to do such feats 10 times over, in any market they chose, creating health, wealth, relationships and families that many watch from the sidelines with green-eyed envy. Not that onlookers don’t wish such pioneers well, more dazed in amazement of how that person who is just like me or had a far more difficult start than me seem to have the Midas touch in all walks of life no matter how tough the odds are.
What is it about these people and if there was a codebook how did they get access to it? How they got access to it may never be answered as such veins of gold may be found by mining the same area for 5 years while the same nuggets may take 50. The other part of the answers which I believe to be far more important for practical purposes is the WHAT….
What does one need to know to reach such personal greatness? And is there a fast track to such manifestation success?
The answer is a resounding….
If you are ready to gain access to your own personal superpowers and aquifer of manifestation that are untapped 99.9% of your life, then you have landed in the right place. Mastery comes from modelling and self-understanding. We all have our own personal code, fortunately, the coding language has already been written, all you need to is be dedicated and use the plug and play tools to mastery. These plug and play tools live in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Click here to find out more about NLP and how you can become the conductor of the symphony of your life rather than 1 player in the orchestra. Get the practical tools that my mentors, students and I personally use every day to create the life I want (keyword create - not dolled out like prison gruel on groundhog day, but sculpted like a Da Vinci Masterpiece- certainly a work in progress but none the less the sculptor, not being sculpted).
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