Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Self-Sabotage Series - Article 5

The Negative Effects of Fast Foods on the Body

The supreme popularity of fast foods.

Globally, studies have shown that people have got into a habit of popping in to a fast-food restaurant far more often that they would like to admit. In fact, international data analysis by the US Food Institute, has indicated that many folk spend up to 40% of their food budget eating out, or buying takeaway fast foods. 

An occasional outing to a fast food restaurant, or buying take-out meals, will not do any harm. But if you make it a habit, you run the risk of sabotaging both your health and your food budget.


How fast foods can damage your health.

Most fast foods are loaded with sugar and carbohydrates, and contain practically no fibre. These include fries, pastries, pizza, crackers, cookies, hot dogs, and burgers.

Here are some of the ways you can sabotage yourself by eating fast foods. 

·      The digestive system breaks down these foods, and when excessive carbohydrates are present, they are released into the bloodstream as glucose, which pushes up blood sugar levels. This leads to increasing bad cholesterol levels, and putting you at risk for type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

·      Fast foods are high in sodium which can lead to water retention, and make you feel puffy and bloated. This can also elevate your blood pressure.

·      Obesity can lead to breathing problems when your ability to take deep breaths is restricted by weight issues. A little extra exertion may put pressure on your heart, and also increase your risk of respiratory hassles like asthma and shortness of breath. 

·      The fast food fetish has led to worldwide overweight problems, which often begins with poor eating habits from childhood carried forward.

Unfortunately, in spite of efforts to encourage food manufacturers to add less sugar and sodium to their foods – over the years nothing has changed. This bodes no good for countless people who have ingrained habits that make them crave the sweet, sugary, starchy fast foods.


Hypnosis can help you to change terrible eating habits.

Being stuck in a poor-eating-habit rut which causes you to feel you have no control over what you eat, is a recipe for future disaster. History and science have proved that most diets do not work unless there is a fundamental change in your attitude about food. Hypnosis is all about changing people’s attitudes by accessing the subconscious mind, and getting to the root of a pattern which may be causing the bad habits.

Folk who visit a hypnotherapist because they want to improve their health, are often surprised to find out that they have deeply embedded negative thoughts like “I cannot resist chocolates and cakes” or “I just love fluffy white rolls dripping with syrup.” 

This is just an example of what could be dozens of cravings and destructive thoughts whirling in your head. The therapist aims to get to the root of these thoughts, and replace them with more helpful, positive attitudes.

Effects on society.

Over the years, there has been a massive growth in the fast food industry. People are busier than ever trying to squeeze 25 hours into a 24 hour day, and often the only way they can do it is to eat fast foods on-the-run. Overweight and obesity are very much on the rise.

This can lead to anxiety and stress which will further sabotage your goals for a healthier lifestyle. 

Hypnotherapy will help you to slow down and plan your day and your time better, which will afford you the opportunity to prepare proper meals more frequently.

Although studies are ongoing, there have been many reported successes to suggest that hypnosis to break the fast food habit, is a method that works really well.