Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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What to Expect in Your First Hypnotherapy Session?

The use of hypnotherapy is becoming increasingly common and can help address many health issues. If you’re attending a hypnotherapy session for the first time, you might be unsure of what to expect. This blog post will guide you through what to expect during your initial session and discuss the conditions that can be treated with hypnotherapy. If you’re dealing with a specific health issue, you can schedule an appointment with an experienced Adelaide hypnotherapist.

What can hypnotherapy help with?

Research indicates that hypnotherapy can be effective for treating a variety of health conditions, including:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Eating disorders

  • Weight management

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

  • Alcohol addiction

  • Smoking

  • Fear of public speaking

  • Panic attacks

  • Fear of driving

  • Phobias

  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

From mental health issues to specific phobias like the fear of public speaking Adelaide, hypnotherapy can help reduce various conditions. If you’re struggling with any of these issues, seeking support from a qualified hypnotherapist may be beneficial.

What happens in a hypnosis session?

You might have seen stage hypnosis, which differs significantly from therapeutic hypnotherapy. In a hypnotherapy session, you will sit comfortably and listen to the hypnotherapist. The session typically starts with an induction procedure. The hypnotherapist will speak in a soft, calming voice, using suggestions to help you focus and relax. They may describe soothing and relaxing images to guide you into a calm state.

The hypnotherapist will work to identify the root cause of your condition. For example, if you’re dealing with anxiety, the hypnotherapist will explore the underlying causes and address anxiety-inducing thoughts during hypnotherapy for anxiety Adelaide. During the deep hypnotic state, they will provide suggestions aimed at changing your perspective or teaching you techniques to remain calm.

Hypnotherapists may also encourage you to visualise yourself in a situation where you don’t feel anxious. In a relaxed state, your mind is more receptive to these visualisations. It’s important to remember that a hypnotherapist cannot make you do anything against your will, and you can decline suggestions if they don't resonate with you.

How long does it take for hypnotherapy to work?

The effectiveness of hypnotherapy can vary based on several factors:

  • The complexity of the issue being identified plays a crucial role.

  • Individual responsiveness to hypnosis, which affects how easily the hypnotherapist can guide you into a relaxed state.

  • Your willingness and openness to hypnotherapy, a positive attitude often leads to faster and more significant results.

  • The effectiveness of hypnotherapy can be influenced by the short-term and long-term goals of the individual. Issues like relieving stress may show significant progress with just a few sessions. On the other hand, more complex health issues may need a more extended treatment plan.

How do you feel after hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy can have many positive effects that we aim to achieve during these sessions. Some examples of these positive effects include deep relaxation, improved self-esteem, increased confidence, and better sleeping habits. It's also common to feel a rejuvenated and exhilarated sense of positivity after a hypnotherapy session. These effects may last for several hours to days and can become more consistent with repeated hypnotherapy sessions.


Hypnotherapy is considered safe and effective for treating many health issues. You can schedule an appointment with our hypnotherapist to explore the causes of your health condition and heal from the inside with hypnotherapy.