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The Symptoms and treatment of PTSD


Flashbacks of the traumatic event and nightmares – This can also include panic attacks, strong negative emotions and heart palpitations.  Sweating and insomnia are also common symptoms that present.

A general feeling of being on edge or ‘jumpy’ -  It may be the case that a sufferer of PTST will tense and on the lookout for danger.  Difficulty concentrating is also a common symptom along with feelings of guilt and irritability.

Avoiding situations that can be a reminder of trauma – People that suffer from PTSD can find that they feel emotionally numb and as a result become detached from both friends and family.  A persons day to day life can also be seriously impacted by this change in behaviour. 

When should someone pursue medical

Negative thought patterns such as confusion are completely normal and natural to proceeding a traumatic event.  These unpleasant feelings can quite often subside and dissipate over the duration of several weeks.  It may be appropriate that if you or a loved one are still experiencing any of the distressing symptoms mentioned in the above section of this article beyond four weeks after a traumatic event to request your GP to refer you to a mental health specialist for assessment and treatment.  It may also be beneficial to have a chat with a practitioner such as myself that specializes in such matters.

How can PTST be treated?

Even if the symptoms present many years after the initial traumatic event, effective treatment is available for a person suffering from PTSD.  There are several factors that contribute to a treatment being effective such as how severe the symptoms are and how frequent an individual suffers from symptoms.  Hypnotherapy has been documented to be a highly effective therapeutic tool for the treatment of PTSD.  When using Hypnosis and Neuro Linguistic Programing for a therapeutic intervention, the client will be introduced to a set of tools that will assist them in managing the symptoms of the disorder.  Through a process of discovery, the client becomes aware of the unconscious triggers of their symptoms to give them a better understanding of the negative effects and symptomology.  If you would like to read about how to manage PTSD, stay tuned for my next blog on Hypnosis and NLP and the management of PTSD.  If you have any forms of stress in your life that you would like to reduce the effects of, click the button below and get a free audio download relaxation hypnosis mp3.