NLP, Hypnosis and Phototherapy for Chronic Pain Adelaide

How Hypnotherapy, NLP and Phototherapy (bioenergetics) Can Help Resolve Chronic Pain

Using Bioenergetics, Phototherapy, Hypnosis, and NLP to Help Resolve Chronic Pain


Chronic pain has a broad range of ramifications since it influences the general well-being of the body, which is why it is so detrimental to overall productivity. Past injuries and operations, nerve damage, arthritis, infections, back problems, and migraines are all common causes of chronic pain.

When the cause of the pain is addressed, as in with medication or beneficial application of phototherapy, this sort of discomfort signal fades. Chronic pain is an instance of persistent or continuing suffering. Even after healing from an accident or illness that provoked it, this sort of pain persists for more than six months.

Pain signals may be present for weeks, months, or even years. These cause unpleasant and uncomfortable feelings, suggesting that something is wrong. Some people, on the other hand, endure chronic pain despite no prior injury or actual bodily damage.

Chronic discomfort may cause you to miss out on daily activities, preventing you from completing personal chores. It can also depress your self-esteem and make you feel enraged, sad, nervous, and dissatisfied.

Types of pain

Back pain and sciatica

Back pain is an uncomfortable or debilitating physical condition that affects the spine or back and involves a wide range of severity. It's a typical issue that most individuals encounter at some stage in their life. The good news is that it isn't a major problem, since it might be anything from a minor strain to a muscular ligament pull.

It may occur without a doctor noticing through testing or imaging. As a result, it is associated with additional disorders that are not related to underlying illnesses. Prolonged sitting, heavy training or exercise, sleeping in an unpleasant location or posture, and so on are examples of other factors.

Back discomfort normally goes away with standard home treatments and self-care, generally within a few weeks. If you have any of the aforementioned symptoms for longer than four weeks or if you experience other problems that require medical attention, it is recommended that you visit your doctor, especially if:

  • Unusual and drastic weight loss accompanies pain

  • For a few weeks, the discomfort persists.

  • When the pain reaches farther than the knee, it spreads down one or both legs.

  • Extreme pain does not subside with rest or a little activity.

Causes general bodily weakness, numbness, or tingling in one or both legs 

The following are the most common symptoms of lower back discomfort.

Sciatica is the same, but instead of traveling through your lower back and hips to your legs, the pain extends along the sciatic nerve pathway, which branches from your lower back down through your hips and buttocks and down to all of your legs. Sciatica refers to discomfort caused by a damage or irritation of the sciatic nerve.

Anything that irritates this nerve might produce symptoms comparable to those of a backache, ranging from minor to severe. The lower spine is the most common site for a compressed nerve, which causes sciatica. As a result, most people who suffer from sciatica are misdiagnosed with general back discomfort.

However, owing to the sciatic nerve's position as the longest and most comprehensive in the human body, this pain does not solely affect the back. It travels down the legs below the knee, from the lower back to the buttocks.

This nerve coordinates several muscles in the lower legs and transmits sensation to the skin of the foot and much of the lower leg.The first reason is that sciatica is not a disease but a symptom of another problem with the sciatic nerve. According to research, however, many people suffer from sciatica at some point in their life.

The major sciatic nerve is usually affected by the symptoms of sciatica. The majority of people describe sciatica in one of three ways: 

·     Pain: Sciatica pain is a stabbing or burning sensation that starts in the lower back or buttocks and travels down the front or rear of the thigh and leg.


·     Numbness: Back pain can be caused by sciatica, which is an excruciating type of nerve pain that affects the back of the leg. It's also possible that you have frozen shoulder if you're experiencing numbness or weakness in your lower back.


·     Posture-induced symptoms: When you sit down, try to stand up, bend your spine forward, lay down, twist your spine, or cough due to sciatica pain, it might feel terrible. Walking, mild exercise, photothreapy, or applying intense heat on the rear pelvic area help many people. 

·     One-sided symptom: Sciatica affects one leg in most cases. One of the legs feels weighted down. It is unusual to see both legs suffering from sciatica at the same time.


The following are some of the most common types of pain associated with sciatica:

·     Throbbing and pulsing pain

·     A constant dull ache

·     Discomfort that comes and goes


Arthritis is a condition in which joints become swollen and painful. It also causes spinal stenosis, which compresses the space surrounding the spinal cord, causing muscular spasms.

The most common symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which usually get worse with time.

Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most prevalent forms of arthritis. These two illnesses account for a significant amount of joint damage and complications. Other symptoms, on the other hand, include:

·      General body weakness

·      Joint weakness

·      Locking of the joint, causing difficulty in movement

·      Limping

·      Joint warmth

·      Joint swelling

·      Loss of smooth movement of the joint

Other types of arthritis can produce symptoms in various body systems without necessarily affecting the joints. As a result, signs and symptoms in certain people with particular sorts of arthritis may include a fever, lymph node swelling (swollen glands), tiredness, weight loss, sickness, and organ inefficiency such as the heart, kidney, or lungs.

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are associated with each other because of their common symptoms of pain and tiredness. The distinction is that, in fibromyalgia, tiredness occasionally gives way to muscular discomfort. People suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome have a significant lack of energy and endure severe pain for lengthy periods of time.

Symptoms that you might experience as a result of this sort of pain include::

Fibromyalgia symptomsFacial spasms (or twitching of the facial muscles) are a paraneoplastic condition that is characterized by pain and tiredness in the face muscles and adjacent fibrous tissues, headaches, painful menstrual periods, sensitivity to cold and heat, irregular sleep rhythms, stiff muscles and joints in the morning, memory loss and decreased attention due to HS

Chronic fatigue: The following are the most common symptoms: memory and attention issues, tiredness, severe headaches, unexplained muscular or joint discomfort, extreme exhaustion after physical or mental activity, unrefreshing sleep, and dizziness that gets worse when you sit down.Headaches and migraines

Headaches are a type of pain that affects the head, face, and/or upper neck. A migraine is an intense primary headache illness. Migraines usually have more severe and tiring symptoms than headaches.

Signs and symptoms

Headaches have a broad scope, the following are a few examples of common signs and symptoms associated with mental illnesses:

·     Seizures

·     Stress

·     Lack of sleep

·     Arthritis

·     Poor posture

·     Hunger

·     Depression and anxiety

·     Severe pain on one side of the head

·     Pain behind the eye

·     Sweating

·     Changes in heart rate

·     Restlessness and agitation

·     Sensitivity to light and sound

·     Sleep disorders and brain tumors

Migraines: The most common cause of headaches that are difficult to cure and have severe symptoms, such as:

·     Unexplained mood swings

·     Stiffness of the neck

·     Frequent yawning

·     Sensitivity to sound or smells

·     Blurred vision

·     Challenging in understanding what others are saying

·     Having difficulty in thinking clearly

·     Difficulty in writing words and sentences and garbled speech

Knee and joint pain

Knee pain may result from an injury, such as a cracked ligament or torn cartilage. In contrast, joint pain refers to distress, aches, and tenderness in anybody's joints caused by an infection such as arthritis, illness, or injury.

Some of the common symptoms associated with knee and joint pain are:

Knee discomfort

·      Inflammation and stiffness

·      Redness and warmth to the touch

·      Feebleness or instability

·      Popping or crunching noises

·      Incapacity to fully straighten the knee

Joint discomfort

Symptoms range from mild to disabling. They include:

  • Swelling

  • Stiff or inflamed joint

  • Numbness

  • Noisy joints, or clicking, grinding sounds when moving the joint

  • Aching movement

  • Strain bending or bending the joint

  • Loss of motion

  • A red and hot and swollen joint

Chronic pain

When a condition persists for over six months and takes years to recover, it becomes chronic.

The following are some of the most frequent symptoms:

·     Stiffness

·     A dull ache

·     Soreness

·     Squeezing

·     Shooting

·     Throbbing

·     Stinging

·     Not feeling hungry

·     Weakness

·     Lack of energy or tiredness

·     Poor sleeping patterns

·     Disposition changes

Methods for alleviation and solutions for the symptoms associated with these conditions

Pain management is difficult. It takes time to discover the most effective therapies for the problem. However, there are several choices to experiment with, and some of the finest are:

1.    Bioenergetics

2.    Phototherapy

3.    Yoga

4.    Tai chi

5.    Physical therapy

6. Hypnosis and NLP


Hypnosis and NLP have been used for pain management and hypnosis for more than 100 years.

Hypnotic suggestion is a safe and effective way to reduce physical pain in many cases, and can also be used to help people better resist the temptation of using drugs or alcohol when they are experiencing body pain.

Pain can be reduced rapidly after treatment with hypnosis and NLP.

People who undergo hypnosis experience less pain and more comfort rapidly working with the power of the subconscious. Because pain is a message from the brain as we work with the brain 's connection to the body through the nervous system, this message of pain is accurately interpreted, and can be quickly understood. In fact, people who experience pain after an injury often require less medication when they are hypnotized.

Hypnosis works by using the power of suggestion directly to the subconscious mind.

The experience of pain can be directly effected through deep trace, relaxation, suggestion and working with repressed negative emotions that are often the driver of pain and the suffering associated with chronic pain.


The technique of bioenergetics uses basic, safe, and well-defined muscle testing methods to isolate the underlying causes of health problems (both physical, mental, and emotional).

It isn't just concerned with a condition's symptoms. Bioenergetics employs an integrated massage, energy medicine, nutrition therapy, and mild spinal adjustments to restore the entire

It's a technique that many healthcare professionals all around the world use to treat patients with mind/body healing methods, who recognize that the body is more than the sum of its parts. It's an extremely cutting-edge system that incorporates physical/mental/emotional energy fields and balances them.

The three basic kinds of bioenergetics are as follows.

Physical bioenergetics

The Deep Tissue technique is based on scientific principles and uses light pressure contacts on the skin's surface. Physical bioenergetics provides a non-forceful method to enhance stress and distress management in people with acute pain or chronic diseases.

The lying bioenergetics technique is used for the straight leg check. Patients often experience improvement in their symptoms and enjoy the basic approach to health and wellness after undergoing the physical bioenergetics procedure.

The body can heal itself over time. The design demonstrates the force, and bioenergetics identifies emotion patterns and unleashes the power within each of us.

Mental bioenergetics

It is a more advanced technique for identifying emotion patterns. The approach uses cutting-edge equipment to upgrade the higher brain interface via expression in the body physique.

When we experience guilt, anxiety, dread, or any other negative emotions, this technology recognizes these emotional patterns and guides the body to operate based on current circumstances rather than past ones. This technique is one of the best because:

·     Patient experience immediate pain relief

·     They get a painless approach to health and wellness

·     There may be a period of time when the body's healing process is sluggish.

·     It releases the power of emotion pattern identification.

·     It is time-saving because it takes 5-10 minutes. It may be done by the physician or the patient, which is fascinating.


Phototherapy is a non-invasive therapy that uses light to treat chronic and acute pain. It employs light technology to address health problems in the body.

The bulbs, if any, will be incandescent or high-pressure sodium. The type of lighting used during the day and night may differ according to your needs (fluorescent light bulbs, sunlight, halogen lights, or light-emitting diodes).

It's sometimes as simple as one button.

·     Eczema

·     Vitiligo

·     Psoriasis

·     Itchy skin

The treatment entails exposing the skin to ultraviolet light in order to promote skin cell development and inflammation, which is one of the body's natural responses to infections and injuries.

There are three primary forms of light therapy.:


·     Broadband: Uses a wide range of UVB rays.  

·     Narrowband: Uses smaller but more intense UVB to treat skin conditions.

·     Puva: This combination of UVB and psoralen, which is derived from plants, is often utilized to treat end-stage or active scleroderma. It can be taken as a pill or applied topically.

Because light therapy has a lower rate of severe illnesses, it may be done several times.