Hypnotherapy for Forex and Day Traders Mindset

Hypnosis and NLP for Trading in the Zone

Do you want to succeed as a day trader, stock trader, or crypto trader? One hindrance to growing in trading is having the wrong mindset and anxiety.

The desire to achieve in trading involves decision-making, which carries psychological stressors. The finance world is a high-stakes venture that keeps evolving and, therefore, can be mentally draining.

Fear of failure can push you down further and lower your trading performance. Therefore, you need to learn to maintain a positive mindset for trading excellence and to yield better results.

NLP and hypnosis help you as a trader to focus by mastering your emotions. Contact us now for NLP and hypnosis coaching that will change your thinking and give you an edge in trading.

Six potential causes of anxiety in trading

It is usual for any trader to feel overwhelmed by the challenges posed by the fast-paced trading world. The National Alliance on Mental Illness states that more than 40 million American adults have anxiety issues.

Whether you are a day trader, stock trader, or crypto trader, the fast-paced trading world can give you a lot of mental pressure.

For instance, in 2020, the covid-19 pandemic caused a historic global shift in the stock markets. Equity markets in the US and EU saw a significant drop within a month. The negative impact left a massive dent in share prices and the mental stability of most investors.

Another example is the vulnerability of money in the crypto world. For example, crypto traders have lost millions of dollars to hackers. A crypto trader can also wake up to a volatile currency fluctuation.

These are just a few of the stresses that traders face. Other avenues of anxiety that might affect decision-making include:

1.     Greed

Greed in trading is often overlooked, but it’s powerful in hindering a logical thought process. You can desire success so much that it affects how you make decisions during trading. Consequently, you might invest without due diligence, which can be costly.

In addition, greed can lead you to hang on to a high-risk stock to gain more when it crashes. Out of greed, some investors follow the herd to accumulate shares, deviating from trading plans. The desire to have so much makes people over-trade, which has been found to have similarities with gambling.

2.     Analysis paralysis

Are you unable to decide what to trade in from the available options? Analysis paralysis is when you are bombarded with alternatives, which clouds your decision-making. There is a common misconception that the more possibilities present, the easier the decision to make.

Engaging in several trades causes financial losses and later psychological turmoil. Weighing the options leads to anxiety from the fear of making a wrong choice. In addition, you are likely to overtrade for fear of missing out (FOMO).

3.     Setting unrealistic goals

As a novice trader, setting impractical goals will be met by disappointment. Getting inspiration from traders who have made it big is alright but avoid setting unrealistic goals to match them. When you do that, you will disappoint yourself by not achieving what others have.

Goals not relative to variables like time and investment are unrealistic and don’t yield expected results, leading to mental stress. The future of trading is unpredictable; therefore, make forecasts that are not result-oriented to accommodate any uncertainties.

4.     Lacking an edge

An edge in trading helps you be more confident by reducing anxiety. A trading edge enhances positive thinking and creates suitable expectancy. Adopting an approach that gives you an advantage over your competitors will keep you on the winning team and happy.

From beginners to gurus in trading, having an edge also helps to navigate a market environment full of sharks.

On the flip side, lacking an edge sidelines traders as their competition flourishes, causing discouragement.

5.     Impulse trading

Impulsive trading might make you think risks are opportunities. The inclination to over-trade can be thrilling but expensive at the end of the day. Moreover, this kind of trading derails you from your plans. Lack of self-control and discipline harms any trader’s mental wellness.

Impulse trading causes more losses than gains and should be discouraged. Traders who engage in impulse trading sometimes do it as a revenge tactic to compensate for other losses they have met. In the end, it is a vicious cycle.

Training the mind to stop impulsive trading goes a long way in achieving your trading potential.

6.     Self–doubt

Your current state of mind can cause you to doubt your decisions. When making a decision, you freeze and wonder whether you can make the right decision. The fear of losing is a danger that allows many opportunities to pass.

Self-doubt is a mental struggle that manifests during the entry point of trade. It shows that you lack emotional control, adversely affecting a trader when it becomes a cycle.

Solutions to trading anxiety

Traders are prone to the pressures of maintaining relevance and making profits regardless of experience. Anxiety in trading hinders performance by crippling your decision-making ability.

Besides causing you to lapse in judgment when trading, stress also triggers depression.

Some solutions avert the causes of anxiety and work by shifting the mindset. First, they identify the root cause of your stress, creating awareness to help fight it.

Stop being a perfectionist

Every trader needs to understand that they don’t have to be correct and can make mistakes. You may not always have the perfect entry and exit points in trading. Expecting an ideal outcome followed by everything going downhill will cause you to be nervous.

Over-analyzing every decision and possible result only gives you a mental strain, and there is no fun in that.

Avoid distractions

Market price movements can distract and result in anxiety. Sitting in front of the screen with all the ‘what ifs’ and regrets is detrimental to your mental health. Additionally, focusing on fluctuations in the price indices will throw you into a panic mode.

Take a break from the screen and relax; it will help clear your head and combat anxiety.

Reduce trading risks

Uncertainty in the outcome of the markets breeds anxiety. It is best to combat this by reducing losses. It is tempting to engage in several opportunities, but understand that doing so increases risks. Only trade with what you can afford to lose to reduce anxiety and disappointment.

Consider using risk management practices to keep your trading in check. Risk management cannot be overstated as it protects your profits, giving you peace of mind.

Be patient

The outcome of the stock markets is beyond your control. Understanding that the market is unstable and there are some outcomes you can’t influence ensures that you remain mentally stable.

Be patient and focus on the process more than on gains and losses. Focusing on the goals helps to ease mental pressures when outcomes are unfavorable.

Develop a plan

Have strategies with defined entry and exit plans so you won’t have to trade based on your emotions or herd mentality. By shielding you from over-trading and impulse trading, plans keep you away from incurring losses and anxiety.

Trading plans keep your trading objective which reduces mental strain.

NLP and hypnosis can help

Trading involves making informed decisions to gain trading excellence. Worrying affects decision-making and trading outcomes in the long run. Luckily, you can retrain the brain.

Psychotherapists help you achieve your trading goals by incorporating NLP and hypnosis with the above tips. By working together, NLP and hypnosis help you overcome a negative mindset and give you the ability to face the challenges traders face. You can now improve your performance by working with a calm mind.

This coaching technique removes fears and phobias from your conscious and unconscious mind. You will overcome limiting beliefs and perceptions.

The key to successful trading is a relaxed mind to engage in meaningful decision-making. The correct beliefs are also vital to achieving goals. On the other hand, anxiety is destructive both to the physical body and trading performance.

Since trading requires mental wellness to succeed, learning the causes of anxiety is the first step in finding solutions.

Over-ambition and fear emerge as significant causes of anxiety, followed by lacking an edge. Lacking the discipline to say no to unrealistic trading opportunities causes stress.

The good news is that there are practical solutions to regain emotional control — from learning to accept outcomes, avoiding distractions, and even learning to mitigate risks. Being patient is another addition to result-oriented solutions.

Do you want to regain your trading freedom?

NLP and hypnosis is the ultimate technique to regain emotional control during trading. By targeting your subconscious, it eliminates damaging fears and perceptions. Unlike the other options, it goes deeper into the root problem and digs it up. The result is mental wellness, self-confidence, and a mind well capable of making wholesome decisions.

Contact Matthew Tweedie for one-on-one NLP and hypnosis coaching using advanced methods. Then you can find your edge and trade like a boss!

Free Telephone consultation

If you would like some more information or to have a discussion about how to you can start trading at your full potential rapidly and easily, we offer free telephone consultations.  Please feel free to contact us about our Hypnosis, NLP and coaching for consistent profitability in Adelaide on: