Hypnotherapy for Cocaine Addiction

Hypnosis for Cocaine Addiction

Fear of failure can be behind you with hypnotherapy. Success is just around the corner when you remove the blocks that once held you back and start to live your dreams with NLP and Hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy Can Help You Stop Using cocaine.

About cocaine.

Cocaine is a widely-used, popular recreational drug, mainly due to the belief that it has a positive effect on mood, motivation, and energy levels. It is, however highly addictive, and has a high potential for over-use, or abuse.

Cocaine users may smoke it, take it by intravenous injections, or snort lines of coke – often with a rolled banknote or a straw.

The abuse of cocaine is strongly related to an increased risk of psychological disorders, certain diseases, and even death.

Signs that someone may be using cocaine.    

Common signs of current cocaine use include:

·      A high level of agitation.

·      Over-confident and too enthusiastic to do things.

·      Lack of inhibitions.

·      Hyperactivity.

·      Twitching of limbs, and facial muscle tics.

·      Hay fever-like symptoms and nosebleeds.

·      Uproarious laughter at things that are not even funny.

These behaviours continue to be extreme when using cocaine, and are often noticed by other people as abnormal behaviour.

Health risks of cocaine use and addiction.

Serious health risks of cocaine abuse include:

·      One of the most serious risks is cocaine-induced damage to the heart muscle, and a potential heart attack, as well as the danger of complete heart failure.

·      Damage to the heart raises the risk of a stroke and/or brain damage.

·      The use of this drug is also associated with irreversible kidney damage.

·      Eventual permanent psychosis from prolonged use.

·      May offset a new ADHD problem.

·      May cause eventual total destruction of interior nasal cartilages, which will need urgent surgical repair.

These are indeed serious health implications which cocaine users lay themselves open to.

Treatment for cocaine addiction.

There are only 2 treatment protocols for relief from cocaine addiction.

·      Pharmacological (medications) therapy is used to treat cocaine dependence by means of physiological means. The medication is for users who give up taking cocaine, provides feelings similar to cocaine, are not as strong, but lasts longer. The dosage is gradually reduced and the hope is to wean the addict off cocaine use.

·      Current research has shown that behavioral techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) combined with hypnotherapy, is very effective to address the emotional reasons behind the substance abuse, which may be contributing to the cocaine addiction issue.

Note that both the medically-assisted treatment and the CBT/hypnotherapy are very specific, and only offered to suitable patients.

How CBT and hypnotherapy can help conquer cocaine abuse.

Addiction to any drug is an emotional issue for both the users, and their friends and families. The major emotion is an almost paralysing guilt, especially for parents who wonder if they did something wrong while raising their kids.

Addicts are tormented by guilt because they feel they have let everyone down, and that their lives are just one big disappointment. They also feel powerless because a substance, in this case cocaine, has taken over mind and body, and folk are no longer in control.

Negative emotions which are shared by cocaine addicts, their families, and loved ones include:

·      Shame and embarrassment about the addiction, for both user and family.

·      Sadness of shattered dreams and a derailed life of the abuser, who may have been able to achieve so much.

·      Strong feelings of guilt an addict may have during periods of soberness, combined with feelings of helplessness because of an inability to do anything about it.

·      Fear of financial problems, illness, overdose, and often an anxious fear of where or how to get the next fix.

Hypnotherapy is able to help and support addicts going through medical treatment, and the emotional stress of withdrawal symptoms.

How hypnosis works to beat cocaine addiction.

·      Cocaine allows your brain to think only in the short term, leaving you with mood swings and dark thoughts. Hypnotherapy helps reprogram the way your brain thinks and helps to identify, and reduce the likelihood of triggers which may set off cravings.

·      During the recovery and detox period, you will learn how to achieve a sense of calmness and well-being, giving an impetus to your belief in being able to live a drug-free life.

·      The therapist will work to improve your self-esteem, and restore your self-confidence by changing the way you see yourself.

·      The therapist will also help you to identify the negative emotions which may have caused you to turn to cocaine in the first place.  

·      You will learn how to eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with a new, positive mindset, which will give you courage to move forward one day at a time.

·      Most important, CBT and hypnotherapy will provide you with the tools to effectively fight cocaine cravings.

·      If you are struggling with cocaine addiction, taking the first step, will put you on the road to recovery.

Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment.

Clinical hypnotherapy has documented, proven successes in the treatment of many different kinds of addictions such as alcohol, smoking, binge-eating, and even prescription drugs.

The power hypnosis lies in the ability to access the subconscious mind, and when in a relaxed state, you will be open to suggestions that will enable you to release yourself from the bounds of addiction.

Hypnotherapy can help you rediscover the person, whole and healthy, that you once were.



0411 456 510