Hypnotherapy & NLP Adelaide Anxiety

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Hypnosis for Fear of Flying and Phobias

Fear of flying, or aviophobia, is considered one of the most common fears. In fact, around 1 in 5 people struggle with this fear at some level. For some, it is a distinct phobia, while for others, it may be a combination of fears, such as a fear of enclosed spaces or heights. Although fear of flying is common, it should not be ignored. This fear can become a significant obstacle when travelling for business or pleasure. If you struggle with anxiety due to a fear of flying, consider the fear of flying hypnosis in Adelaide, which has been proven to be a highly effective treatment. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of hypnosis for fear of flying and how hypnotherapy can help you overcome your fear of flying and other phobias. Let’s get started:

Does the fear of flying go away with hypnosis?

Reducing the fear of flying is not achieved permanently by only managing anxiety or fear, as this approach suggests that the negative feelings are still present and could resurface. A more effective method is to eliminate anxiety and fear altogether through a combination of hypnotherapy and NLP. Hypnosis helps clients confront and overcome their fear of flying in a safe, clinical environment.

Hypnotherapy effectively addresses the fear of flying by identifying its root causes at the subconscious level. Experienced hypnotherapists guide clients into a state of deep relaxation, making the subconscious mind more receptive to positive imagery and suggestions. During hypnosis sessions for fear of flying, you will work closely with a hypnotherapist to tackle negative thought patterns and beliefs related to air travel. Techniques such as cognitive restructuring, visualisation, and desensitisation will help reframe your thoughts about flying.

What is the primary cause of fear of flying?

The root cause of fear of flying can vary from person to person, but several factors may contribute to this phobia. Aerophobia might stem from a traumatic experience involving airplanes, such as severe turbulence. Other causes include anxiety issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or links to other phobias, such as agoraphobia (fear of open or public spaces), claustrophobia (fear of small spaces), or acrophobia (fear of heights).

Can hypnosis help you get rid of fears and phobias?

Phobias are irrational fears of specific activities, objects, or situations that lead to an overwhelming desire to avoid them. Despite the variety of fears and phobias, they all share a common element: an intense urge to avoid something that causes significant anxiety and distress. Hypnotherapy is an effective way to eliminate these phobias and fears. Hypnotherapy Adelaide can help you overcome fears like public speaking, heights, and flying, among others.

Benefits of hypnotherapy for fear of flying

By addressing the root causes and promoting relaxation and control, hypnotherapy offers numerous benefits. The advantages of hypnotherapy for fear of flying include:

  • Enhanced Self-Esteem: Hypnotherapy helps you confront your fear of flying and build the confidence needed to travel fearlessly.

  • Reduced Anxiety: Experience a decrease in panic attacks and anxiety as you learn to manage stress more effectively through hypnotherapy.

  • Improved Relaxation: Hypnotherapy helps you with relaxation techniques that can be used not only during air travel but in several areas of your life.

  • Freedom to Explore: With your fear of flying eliminated, you can finally visit the places you’ve always wanted to explore. Hypnotherapy can turn this dream into reality.


Through hypnosis, clients learn to distance themselves from anxious thoughts, enabling them to fly again without fear. If you are struggling with fear of flying, seek help from our experienced hypnotherapists.