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NLP Coaching and Hypnosis for Kids and Teens with ADD/ADHD - NLP for Learning and Education Series 2 of 8

There’s no doubt that Neuro-Linguistic Programming and hypno-psychotherapy is a unique experience for clients. A basis of NLP focuses on the words clients and individuals use to reflect their own perceptions towards their issues. 

A Brief Focus on ADD/ADHD

The issues revolving around ADD and ADHD can be very complicated for both children and parents. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD) can be classed as a variation in difficulties with poor attention span. 

Symptoms include:

  • Hyperactive behaviour

  • Tendency to be impulsive

  • Attention difficulties

Parents can make the mistake of quickly self-diagnosing their children, but signs can also go unnoticed at home for a number of reasons. Therefore, seeing a doctor is advised for an accurate diagnosis. 

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypno-psychotherapy can ease the struggles that children and teens suffer from ADD/ADHD which in turn, also helps the people around the individual. It can be very difficult for ADD sufferers during their school lives as they tend to have educational difficulties. Attention span and behavioural issues like tantrums and defiance can make life tough, particularly at home and school.  

The Benefits of NLP and Hypno-psychotherapy

So how exactly can NLP and Hypno-psychotherapy help kids and teens with ADD? Firstly, it recognises that we all have our own individual and unique method of learning. The way we learn can be heavily impacted by a specific event or a sequence of past occurrences in our lives, which can develop inaccuracies in the child’s view of themselves. For example, the learner will convince themselves that their mind can’t be controlled, and so the way they learn is set in stone and cannot be altered. Additionally, a traumatic event to a child can be so intense on their minds, that it results in the child being unable to take advantage of certain learning situations. 

The NLP Approach

The purpose of NLP for kids is to engage in techniques that holistically change their behaviour. What makes NLP exceptional is that it has a subjective approach. With a great focus on the individual, it helps unravel certain perceptions and ideas children may have on themselves. This results in the individual placing a stronger vision on their lives, developing positive attitudes and behaviours towards learning and general wellness. 

The subjective experience of NLP and hypno-psychotherapy is very personal for children and teens. Using a respectful curiosity, it allows a professional coach like me to accurately locate the certain false perceptions of the individual by asking certain questions, and figure out how exactly it is impacting their behaviour. With this accurate diagnosis, I can then begin the positive process of developing helpful behaviours that will have a lifetime impact on your children.

The powerful techniques of NLP and hypno-psychotherapy are impactful on the advancement of your child’s academic and social life. It allows them to achieve their maximum potential in their lives and go on living without the significant impacts that ADD and ADHD can have.  

To know more about how NLP and hypno-psychotherapy can help your child suffering with ADD/ADHD pleage go ahead and email me or know more to get in contact.