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NLP and Hypnotherapy for Children and Teenager Sports Performance and Confidence: Part 4 - Practical Tips and Exercises for Parents and Coaches and Answers to some FAQs about NLP and Hypnotherapy

In Parts 1, 2, and 3 of our series, we covered the foundational principles of NLP and hypnotherapy, their application in sports performance, and the long-term benefits experienced by young athletes. In this final installment, we will provide practical tips and exercises for parents and coaches to support the mental training of children and teenagers using NLP and hypnotherapy and answer some important and valid frequently asked questions about the therapies. These strategies will help reinforce the techniques learned during sessions and create a supportive environment for continuous improvement and confidence building. First, let’s talk about how parents and coaches can support the mental training of their children and teenagers using NLP and hypnotherapy.

 Creating a Supportive Environment

 1. Encouragement and Positive Reinforcement

Parents and coaches need to play a key role in reinforcing positive beliefs and behaviors through NLP and hypnotherapy for young athletes. Consistently encouraging and providing positive reinforcement can have a significant impact on a young athlete's confidence and motivation. To implement this, it's important to acknowledge both small and significant achievements, emphasizing effort and progress rather than just outcomes. Using positive and empowering language can also support and motivate young athletes. For example, instead of saying "Don't be nervous," you can say "You are well-prepared and can handle this." Lastly, it's crucial to demonstrate confidence in the abilities of the young athlete and to encourage them to trust themselves.

2. Open Communication and Emotional Support

Creating a supportive environment for young athletes is essential in helping them thrive. Parents and coaches must maintain open lines of communication to ensure that athletes feel supported and understood. By establishing a safe space where athletes can express their feelings and challenges without fear of judgment, parents and coaches can foster a sense of trust and encouragement.

Implementing open communication can be achieved through various methods. Active listening is foundational, as it involves paying attention to the athlete's concerns and feelings, demonstrating empathy, and striving to understand their perspective. Additionally, regular check-ins provide opportunities to discuss the athlete's progress, setbacks, and any difficulties they may be encountering. Offering emotional support by validating their experiences and providing constructive feedback will help athletes navigate challenges with confidence and resilience.

 Practical NLP Exercises for Parents and Coaches

 1. Anchoring Positive States

Anchoring is a technique used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to link a specific physical action with a positive mental state. This can be extremely beneficial for parents and coaches as it allows them to quickly tap into feelings of confidence, composure, or motivation when needed, especially for the sake of their young athletes. To implement anchoring for their athletes, parents can start by working with the athlete to identify a particularly positive state. Then, choose a unique physical action, such as squeezing a thumb and finger together, to serve as the anchor. With practice, the athlete can pair the action with the positive state and use it during both training and competitive situations to trigger the desired mental state.

Consistent practice of recalling the positive state while performing the anchor action, along with its application during practices and competitions, can help them effectively access the desired mental state at crucial moments.

 2. Visualization and Mental Rehearsal

Visualization is a powerful technique that involves mentally rehearsing successful performances. Athletes can build a strong mental image of success, which can enhance their actual performance. To implement visualization, parents/coaches, and athletes should find a quiet place to sit comfortably and close their eyes. Having gained mastery of the self-hypnosis process, the parent can then guide their wards to visualize a specific performance, using all their senses to create a vivid mental image. It's important to ensure they focus on visualizing a positive outcome and to ensure that they imagine themselves performing successfully while concentrating on the positive emotions and sensations associated with success.

 3. Reframing Negative Thoughts

When it comes to reframing, athletes are encouraged to change their perception of negative thoughts or situations and transform them into positive or neutral ones. This mental exercise can significantly impact their performance on the field or court.

To implement reframing effectively, it's important to first identify the negative thoughts that frequently plague the athlete and hinder their performance. Once these thoughts are recognized, they should be challenged by questioning their validity and finding evidence to refute them. Finally, the athlete and their support system can work together to create a positive or neutral alternative to the negative thought. For example, "I always mess up under pressure" can be reframed as "I have the skills to handle pressure, and each experience makes me stronger."

Practical Hypnotherapy Exercises for Parents and Coaches

 1. Guided Relaxation

Guided relaxation is a valuable tool for athletes as it helps them achieve deep relaxation, reduce anxiety, and improve focus. To implement guided relaxation, it's important to first find a quiet space for the athlete, ensuring that they are free from distractions and in a calm environment. Next, the use of a relaxation script is crucial, as it guides the athlete through progressive muscle relaxation and deep breathing exercises. Finally, it's essential to encourage the athlete to focus on feelings of calmness and relaxation, reinforcing the state of relaxation with positive affirmations.

2. Self-Hypnosis Techniques

Teaching athletes self-hypnosis techniques can be a powerful tool to help them effectively manage stress and bolster confidence on their own. To implement this, coaches or trainers can start by demonstrating the basics of self-hypnosis, such as focusing on a single point, deep breathing, and repeating a calming phrase. Following this, they can work with the athletes to develop personalized positive suggestions to use during self-hypnosis, helping them stay calm and confident under pressure. It's important to encourage regular practice of self-hypnosis, particularly before significant practices and competitions, to fully harness its benefits.

 Integrating Techniques into Daily Routines

 1. Consistent Practice

Repetition plays a crucial role in integrating NLP and hypnotherapy techniques into an athlete's regimen. Consistent practice is essential for cementing these techniques, ensuring they become nearly automatic during high-pressure situations.

To put it into action, here is what you should do: Firstly, incorporate NLP and hypnotherapy exercises into the athlete's daily schedule. This could involve visualizing success before bedtime or practicing anchoring techniques before training sessions. Additionally, establish pre-competition rituals that involve relaxation exercises, positive affirmations, and visualization to help the athlete prepare mentally for the competition.

 2. Collaborative Approach

It's important to take a collaborative approach involving parents, coaches, and the athlete to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. This can be achieved by scheduling regular meetings to discuss the athlete's progress, challenges, and adjustments needed in their mental training. Additionally, it's crucial to ensure that parents and coaches provide consistent support and reinforcement of the techniques being practiced, creating a cohesive support system for the athlete. This approach will enable a clear focus on the athlete's well-being and development, while also creating a positive and supportive environment for their progress.

Some FAQs about NLP and Hypnotherapy for children

1.    How Safe Are NLP and Hypnotherapy?

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and hypnotherapy are generally considered safe when practiced by qualified and experienced professionals. Both therapies focus on creating positive change and addressing negative thought patterns, behaviors, and emotions. However, it's important for individuals considering these therapies to seek out licensed and reputable practitioners, like Matthew Tweedie, to ensure safety and effectiveness. As with any therapeutic intervention, it's essential to discuss any concerns or potential risks with the therapist before beginning the treatment.

2.    How many Therapist Encounters do Children need?

The number of encounters children should have with a therapist before experiencing the benefits of NLP and hypnotherapy can vary depending on the individual child and their specific needs. In some cases, children may start to see improvements after just a few sessions, while in other situations, a longer-term therapeutic relationship may be required to achieve the desired outcomes. Factors such as the child's age, the severity of the issues being addressed, and the child's responsiveness to the therapies can all influence the number of encounters needed before the benefits begin to manifest. Parents and caregivers need to communicate openly with the therapist to track progress and determine the most effective course of treatment for the child.

3.    What is the difference between NLP and traditional talk therapy or counseling?

NLP focuses on exploring the relationship between language, behavior, and neurological processes, aiming to create positive changes quickly. Traditional talk therapy or counseling may focus more on exploring and processing emotions and experiences through conversation. Both approaches can be valuable, and the choice may depend on the individual needs and preferences of the child or teenager.

4.    How can one find a qualified NLP practitioner or hypnotherapist?

Finding a qualified NLP practitioner or hypnotherapist for children and teenagers can be done by seeking recommendations from healthcare professionals, researching online directories, and ensuring that the practitioner has relevant experience and credentials. But you need not stress yourself looking for a qualified practitioner anymore. Matthew is the one you need. Find out more about him HERE and embrace him.


In this final part of our series, we have provided practical tips and exercises for parents and coaches. By creating a supportive environment, employing practical NLP and hypnotherapy techniques, and integrating these methods into daily routines, parents and coaches can significantly enhance the mental training of young athletes. The collaborative effort ensures that athletes not only develop strong sports performance and confidence but also acquire valuable life skills that contribute to their overall personal growth. Through consistent practice and unwavering support, young athletes can achieve remarkable success and enjoy a fulfilling sports journey. Help your young athlete get the best of NLP and hypnotherapy by reaching out to Matthew Tweedie today. The time is NOW.